Welcome to Robertson County Republicans!

Awesome turnout at our monthly patriot potluck! Thank you, Senator Kerry Rogers for the interesting legislative update! Here are some more opportunities to be involved ...
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 8:30 A.M. STOKES BROWN LIBRARY BUDGET MEETING. Location: Stokes Brown Public Library, 5th and White Street, Springfield, TN. Members of the public wishing to address the board regarding items on the agenda should email [email protected] by noon on the day prior to the meeting.
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 6:00 P.M. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BOARD OF MAYOR AND ALDERMAN MEETING. Location: Springfield City Hall, 405 N. Main Street, Springfield, TN. This meeting is usually held the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Meeting agendas can be viewed on the City of Springfield’s website at https://www.springfield-tn.org/AgendaCenter. You can also view the meeting on the City of Springfield’s YouTube channel.
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 7:30-8:00 A.M. GOOD MORNING ROBERTSON COUNTY COMMUNITY BRIEFING. Location: Springfield City Hall. 405 N. Main Street, Springfield, TN. Come at 7:15 for networking. Free. All ages welcome. 
IMPORTANT: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 7:00 P.M. ROBERTSON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING. This meeting is usually held the 3rd Monday of the month, but Feb. 17 is Presidents Day. Location: Juv. Court Room, 531 S. Brown Street, Springfield. Those concerned with 3,000 prospective home developments in Springfield and irresponsible growth, should show up and speak. As well as those concerned with the over-proliferation of developments in White House and Cross Plains. 
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 7:00 P.M. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. Location: Robertson County Juvenile Court, 531 S. Brown Street, Springfield, TN. Open to the public. 
SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 8:30 A.M. ROBERTSON COUNTY REPUBLICAN PARTY PATRIOT POTLUCK. Location: Purpose Life Church, 805 Memorial Blvd., Springfield, TN. This will be our reorganization meeting to elect new officers. To vote you must be a current member of RCRP. Free Admission. All ages welcome.
SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 11:30 A.M. TO NOON. PRAYER IN THE SQUARE. Location: Crossroads Christian Bookstore, 600 S. Main Street, Springfield, TN. Monthly half hour gathering to pray for our community and nation.
THURSDAY MARCH 6, 2025, 8:30 A.M. COFFEE WITH A COP. Location: Starbucks, 3534 Tom Austin Highway, Springfield, TN.  Show your support for local officers and network with the community. 
MONDAY, MARCH 10, 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. TFA ROBERTSON COUNTY CHAPTER ST. PATRICK POTLUCK. Location: American Legion Post 45, 2730 Hwy 41S, Greenbrier. Optional Potluck Theme: St. Patrick's Day. Free admission. All ages welcome.

MONDAY, MARCH 10, 5:30 P.M. ROBERTSON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING. Location: 800 MS Couts Blvd., Springfield, TN. 5:30 is the Planning Meeting. 6:30 is the Regular Session. Both are open to the public. Our school district is in need of substitute teachers and bus drivers. For more info email Carly Moore at [email protected] or call: 615.428.6922.

In other news ...

Senator Kerry Roberts was on U-Turn LaVern's show explaining some of the problems with our current education system, and about benefits of school choice! Click on: Senator Roberts on problems in our education system I hope you can all watch this and share with your contacts. 

Rep. Doc Kumar was also on WSGI recently talking about the upcoming session. Topics included school choice and new 2024 laws. You can view the show on FB by clicking this link:  Doc Kumar on WSGI

Recently I had the privilege of being interviewed on WSGI and that interview can be viewed at:  Dr. Arlin on WSGI

In other news:

Thank you Robin Steenman from Moms for Liberty (Williamson County) for your eye-opening presentation! To view some of the videos and slides from her presentation visit: Moms for Liberty

Do you know we have a local radio station in Springfield? You can get useful information on our community every Monday through Friday from 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 A.M., and every Wednesday (as well as first Friday) from 8:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. These shows can be heard live on 1100 AM WSGI or watched on Facebook. Feel free to interact by posting comments and questions. I would like to see us all being more proactive in the community. If you have an idea for an upcoming segment you can text Lee Marie at 714.925.2689.
May God bless you and your family with peace, prosperity, and good health in the New Year,
Dr. Arlin Smith, Chairman, Robertson County Republican Party
Never tire of doing what is right. ~ 2 Thess. 3:13